loaded tool belt

Construction tools for your summer job

Summer is approaching fast and many students take the time off opportunity to find full time employment and save some money to pay their college or university fees. A popular job many students find is helping in construction and renovation companies.

This is why it is important to take some time to consider and plan the purchase of your construction equipment for your summer job. You may be using it again next summer and it should cover at least the basics you are going to need to do great work.

We get asked about what are some of the essential tools needed for the job and instead of answering everyone one by one, we decided to post an article explaining just that. We hope its helpful to anyone interested in the trades.

First we have to talk about safety. An important consideration in the work zone. If you are working for a construction or renovation company, chances are you will be doing demolition work at some point, that includes pulling walls down, taking down insulation, etc. If so, you should get a good quality dust mask. If you want to go the extra mile, then you can get a respirator which will offer even better filtering (although is a bit more expensive). Along with a dust mask, you should also get safety goggles to protect your eyes from flying debris and ear plugs to muffle the loud noise in the work area. Don’t forget the all important work gloves, during the summer you should go through at least 2 or 3 pairs, so get them before hand.

Now for your tool belt, you will want it to be light and easy to carry. Best is to put in or take out tools according to the job you will be doing during a particular day. However, there are some tools you should always have. Here’s a list of basic tools:

  • Carving knife
  • A screw driver (if you can afford it, a combination screw driver is better)
  • Tape measure
  • Nail cutter and nail set
  • Two or three pencils
  • A small flat bar
  • A 3/4 or 1 inch chisel
  • A good, solid hammer

Of course, to every job you take always carry a good attitude with you. It will ensure you have a successful summer and a great career doing whatever you want to accomplish.


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